HAPPY 38th Day of School!!
KATC and MacTech students,
Softball Parents are sponsoring a Send Off for the Softball Team on Thursday at 8:30am in the HS gym. Please let the Laura know in the office if you plan to attend the sendoff OR KATC/MacTech on Thursday! For attendance, if you plan to attend the Send Off, you will report to the library at 8am and after the send off to work on homework. This will impact your attendance if you are not accounted for.
Thursday (10/26) at 8:30am:
Students, Parents, Community Members are invited to a Softball Send Off in the HS gym (due to potential weather) on Thursday at 8:30am. Athletes will be announced promptly at 8:30am in the HS Gym. Players will leave the HS gym to board the bus on the North side of the HS. Parents/Students/Community Members are welcome to line the street south of the HS to cheer as the bus drives out of town at 9am. Wear your red and be loud and proud!
This is an event sponsored by Softball Parents.
The JH Basketball game against Novinger October 27th has been moved to November 1st, starting at 6pm. This will help to accommodate fans that want to go to Springfield to cheer on the softball team!
Here is some more information:
October 31st: 2 regular home games starting at 5
November 1st: 2 regular home games starting at 6
November 2nd: 2 regular away games at Green City 6pm
November 3rd: 2 B quarters girls at 5:30 followed by 2 regular games at Marion County
Thursday (10/26) is parent/Teacher conferences-school is dismissed at 12:35. No School on Friday (10/27) for LP, MacTech, or KATC.
Pink Out Shirts--order by 10/29, give money or check to Mrs. Hulett or the office: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeztszeVNmFqWcEQ-kG2yxwTXYcj6V5FBlfLkeuVaxxhyksGA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
JH Basketball Extra Quarters:
Meadville (10/24) - 2 quarter boys starting at 5:30 pm
Marion County (11/3)- 2 quarter Girls starting at 5:30pm
Brashear (11/13)- 2 quarter Girls and Boys starting at 5 pm
Atlanta (11/14)- 4 quarter Boys starting at 5pm
Pink out shirts are on sale- order online off of the school website/facebook page or ask Mrs. Hulett for an order form.
Art Club Fall Party Wednesday, Oct. 25 3:45-5:15 p.m.
StuCo Halloween Costume Contest on Oct 31st. Judging during lunch on Halloween and small prizes will be awarded!
RULES: NO masks, full face paint, weapons, and must be dress code friendly! IF you are unsure, ASK AHEAD OF TIME for approval.
Reminder there should be no bags in the hallways outside of the lockers. Please keep big bags in the office or in your locker.
Trick or Treat for Canned Goods
FCCLA STAR event - Trista, Kendrick and Tate
For Homeroom, the week of October 31st, FCCLA is hosting a canned/box food drive competition with each of the homerooms. The homeroom to collect the most canned goods/boxes will be provided with a pizza party a week or so after all the food is collected on November 3rd.
Please bring the canned goods/boxes into your homeroom teacher and they will collect them and count them each day. Then they will turn the numbers into either Trista, Kendrick, or Tate. All food collected will go to the LaPlata Food Pantry.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549