Assessments used in Missouri are designed to measure how well students acquire the skills and knowledge described in Missouri’s Learning Standards (MLS). The assessments yield information on academic achievement at the student, class, school, district, and state levels. This information is used to diagnose individual student strengths and weaknesses in relation to the instruction of the MLS and to gauge the overall quality of education throughout Missouri. All assessments are administered online unless determined by an IEP/504 plan or otherwise noted.
Pearson’s developmental screening instruments are designed by early childhood experts and include child-friendly materials. Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning, Fourth Edition (DIALTM-4) is a global screener for assessing large groups of children quickly and efficiently. It provides standard deviation and percentile cutoff points by chronological age at two-month intervals for total and area scores—Motor, Concepts, Language, Self-Help, and Social Development. Percentile ranks and standard scores are also provided.
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Results will be shared with parents/guardians when they are available. All assessment results are recorded on Individual Reading Plans and discussed annually at Parent/Teacher Conferences.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549