February 26th, 2025
Happy 95th Day of School!
Important Announcements:
There will be an informational meeting during PLT on Thursday for anyone interested in Boys Golf in Mrs. Robinson’s room.
Attention JH and HS: If you are interested in participating in JH/HS track, please stop by and see Ms. Davidson for information!
**Seniors- be checking the scholarship list. New scholarships have been added!
*KATC has no school the week of 3/10-3/14 for Spring Break. Students need to report to the office by 11:15 for attendance.
Wednesday 2/26
Basketball Districts: See brackets attached.
Thursday 2/27
Basketball Districts: See brackets attached.
Girls play at 7:30 vs BMC. Go Bulldogs
Friday 2/28
FCCLA $1 Hat day
Birthday Treats at lunch
Saturday 3/1
District Basketball at LP
Student Opportunities:
Attention JH and HS: If you are interested in participating in JH/HS track, please stop by and see Ms. Davidson for information!
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549