HAPPY 77th Day of School!!
The FCCLA STAR Event Showcase will held tonight at 6:00 pm in the HS Library
Students will need to sign up for the Winter Formal and Homecoming using the new link provided here or on Mrs. Lock's Google Classroom (or email). If you are bringing a guest, please pick up a form from the office. If you have already turned one in, you do not need to turn another one in.
The basketball game for tonight (1/22/24) @ Atlanta has been postponed to Saturday 1/27/24 JV Boys Quarters at 4:30pm followed by Varsity.
KATC Informational Meeting with Cindy Basler for all sophomore students will be held on January 25th at 12pm during Homeroom.
Homecoming is just around the corner - February 9. Homecoming apparel order forms will be coming home with elementary students soon. HS kids can pick up a form in the HS office. You can also message Ms. Green.
Orders have to be in by Wednesday, January 24. Elementary students can turn their order forms and money to their classroom teachers. HS students can turn in their order forms and money at the HS office.
Scheduling Changes:
North Shelby Basketball tournament for the week of 1/15 has been changed, see brackets on our website/Facebook/or on TeacherEase.
The basketball game vs Atlanta scheduled for 1/9/24 is rescheduled for 1/22/24 at 6pm at Atlanta.
The FCCLA STAR Event Showcase night scheduled for 1/11/24 will be rescheduled for 1/24/24 at 6pm in the LHS Library.
The basketball game scheduled for 1/12/24 vs Meadville will be played on 2/7/24 at 6pm at LHS.
The basketball game scheduled for 1/10/24 vs Harrisburg at home (girls only) will be announced soon.
The winter dance scheduled for Saturday (1/13/24) has been rescheduled for Friday (2/16/24) at the Silver Rails.
1/26 – 4 quarters boys 6pm @ Cairo
2/9 – 2 quarter girls and 2 quarter boys @ Home 4:45pm
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549