Our Transportation Director and drivers will contact you will specific bus route information after enrollment. If you have a specific need, feel free to input your request below.
Students and parents/guardians are asked to listen to the radio/TV stations in Kirksville and Moberly for information about cancellation of school due to poor weather conditions. The following radio and TV stations will be notified when school is dismissed: TV (KTVO – Ch. 3) RADIO (KRXL 94.5-KIRK 1450-KTUF 93.7 KRES 104.7).
We will call the stations as soon as we know that school will not be in session. Parents/guardians can also be alerted of cancellations by the TeacherEase Student Information System. Those wanting on the system can contact the school. If it starts snowing or getting slick during the day, listen to the radio to see if we are getting out early.
Plan now for where you want your children to go in case we do let out early and you are at work. Do they know what to do? Does the school know what they are supposed to do? Do they need to ride a different bus, go to a different house, or stay with a friend? In the excitement of letting out early, it is hard to get to all of the phone calls that come in, so make your arrangements now.
Transportation Director
Bus Driver
Bus Driver
Bus Driver
Busses are loaded on the south and unloaded on the north side of the high school building and on the north side of the elementary building. Bus transportation is provided solely for the convenience of all the students. All persons riding in school district vehicles shall adhere to the following rules. The driver, sponsor or chaperones are to follow the school bus discipline procedure for student violations of this procedure, and students who violate these rules may be denied access to school transportation for a specified period of time in relation to the severity of the violation. Video cameras may be in operation on the school buses.
1. Bus riders shall be at the designated loading point before the bus arrival time.
2. Bus riders shall wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter.
3. Riders must not extend arms or heads out of the windows at any time.
4. Aisles must be kept cleared at all times.
5. All bus riders shall load and unload through the right front door. The emergency door is for emergencies only.
6. A bus rider will depart from the bus at the designated point unless written permission to get off at a different location is given to the driver.
7. A rider may be assigned a seat by the driver.
8. Riders who damage seats or other equipment will reimburse the district for the cost of the repair or replacement.
9. Riders are not permitted to leave their seats while the vehicle is in motion.
10. Permission to open windows must be obtained from the driver.
11. Classroom conduct is to be observed by students while riding the bus except for ordinary conversation.
12. The driver is in charge of the students and the vehicle, and the driver is to be obeyed promptly and courteously.
13. A bus rider who must cross the roadway to board or depart from the bus shall pass in front of the bus (no closer than 10 feet), look in both directions and proceed to cross the road or highway only on signal from the driver.
14. Students shall not throw objects about the vehicle nor out the windows.
15. Students shall keep feet off the seats.
16. The student discipline code will apply to students using school transportation services. This includes conduct occurring at or in the close vicinity of a bus stop while students are waiting for the bus, or immediately after the students have disembarked.
Any infraction of the above rules will result in a student being punished under the district discipline policy found in this handbook. Habitual or severe infractions may result in the student losing the privilege of riding the bus for a specified period of time.
TRESPASS ON BUS: Only those authorized, to include students and district staff, may be transported in school buses. Any unauthorized individual boarding the bus would be trespassing (Section 569.155).
FIELD TRIP: La Plata R-I students are privileged to take assorted field trips throughout their school years. To ensure that all field trips are conducted in a safe and uniform way, we are implementing the following policy:
Students participating in the field trip will meet the following requirements
STUDENT TRANSPORTATION If a parent/guardian or student arranges transportation to and from school or school related activities, supervision by La Plata R-II School District will not begin until the school has custody and control over the student. La Plata R-II School District will not be supervising the transportation of such student when the parent/guardian or student provides transportation. When the school is providing transportation to and from extra-curricular/school events, students will be required to travel with the group/team unless specifically granted permission to travel separately. In the event a student does not travel with the team on District transportation, coach/sponsor will need to get permission from the administrator prior to the activity/game and provide a written note.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549