HAPPY 24rd Day of School!!
StuCo Dance Sign ups in Google Classroom. Tuesday, Oct 3rd, is the LAST DAY to sign-up for the StuCo Dance! Find the link in your Google Classroom! Also, if Laura has given you paperwork for the beginning of the year, it MUST be returned in order to attend. If you are bringing a guest to the dance, you must have them fill this form out that includes their principal's signature too! Get the form from the office.
A special thank you to the Ag Leadership class! The workshops were wonderful. Great job!
If you are interested in getting the flu vaccine, the forms are due TODAY!!!
Senior Night for Fall Sports is October 4th after the Varsity Softball. Come out to celebrate our Seniors! This includes Baseball/Softball/Girls Golf/Cross Country. Senior forms were mailed home, please return your form to Mrs. Belt. Bulldog fans get in FREE!
Throughout the year, teachers/staff will be filling out a referral for positive things they see in our school. It could be a student helping another student or students taking pride in their work. These students will be recognized with a certificate and a prize.
An the winner for the homeroom challenge is Mrs. Hulett's Homeroom! Congrats...Enjoy the fresh baked cookies!
Next weeks challenge is to hold the door open for someone and greet them!
If you are caught by a teacher/staff member, your name will be entered into a raffle!
Teachers will submit names of students/other staff members that hold the door open for someone AND greet them to the office or by EMAIL.
Sept. 29 MACC Dual Credit Enrollment
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549