September 25th, 2024
Happy 22nd Day of School!
Important Announcements:
FCCLA will be hosting a HAT Day the last Friday of each month--The first hat day will be on Sept 27th! To be able to wear a hat, pay $1, receive a sticker (put the sticker on your hat). Hats must be school appropriate and teachers reserve the right to request you to take it off during class if necessary.
11th and 12th graders are invited to attend a college visit (William Woods) on Friday from 3-3:35 in the library. Sign up on Flex Time Manager.
September birthday's will receive a treat at lunch on Friday!
Senior Photos:
1. All proof sheets need to be returned even if you are or ARE NOT ordering. They need these sheets to know what photo to send for yearbook & "Wall of Fame" photo. They need returned by October 10.
2. Orders for senior photos need to returned by October 10.
Wednesday-Girls Golf at Salisbury, Softball released at 3pm
Thursday-Softball released at 2:40
Saturday-ATL SB Tourney, HS CC at Columbia
Softball and Baseball game scheduled for tonight (9/25/24) will be played at La Plata. There will be NO concessions available.
Softball and Baseball game scheduled for tonight (9/25/24) will be played at La Plata. There will be NO concessions available.
Atlanta Softball Schedule September 28th, 2024
La Plata Field
La Plata v. Novinger 8am @ La Plata
Westran v. Novinger 9:45am @ La Plata
Westran v. La Plata 11:30am @ La Plata
Atlanta Field
Atlanta v. Bevier 8am @ Atlanta
Bevier v. Linn Co. 9:45am @ Atlanta
Atlanta v. Linn Co. 11:30am @ Atlanta
Worst record from each pool Consolation 1:30pm @ Atlanta
2nd best record from each pool 3rd Place 3:15pm @ Atlanta
Best record from each pool 1st Place 5:00pm @ Atlanta
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549