September 13th, 2024
Happy 16th Day of School!
Important Announcements:
Student Council Dance is Tonight. Doors open at 8pm. No Drinks allowed, water and small snacks will be available. $3 per person. Bring CASH. All guests must have a form turned in. Dance ends at 10pm. It will be held in the Elementary Gym.
Come eat some TACOs at Mrs. Amy's benefit on Saturday at 4pm in the HS gym. There will be an auction to follow.
Trap shoot practice will be at 4pm at the City Reservoir Lake: Sept 17, and 19
MidTerm is on September 20th. Grades are due on 9/24. Parents will get an updated grade notice on 9/24.
Truman State University will be here on September 20th from 3-3:35. Any 11th or 12th grader interested in meeting with TSU, please sign up on FlexTime Manager!
FCCLA will be hosting a HAT Day the last Friday of each month! To be able to wear a hat, pay $1, receive a sticker (put the sticker on your hat). Hats must be school appropriate and teachers reserve the right to request you to take it off during class if necessary.
All KATC students will attend the Build My Future Event on September 18th, 2024. Any other 11th or 12th grader interested in attending this event must sign up with Mrs. Robinson.
Build My Future Attendees (10-12 graders) who have signed up:
-Leaving on 9/18 at 7:35am
-Breakfast at McDonalds (bring money) 8am-9am
-Build My Future 9am-11:15am
-Return to LHS at 11:35am.
See Mrs. Robinson if you have questions!
We will be living streaming tonight's softball game at 5pm. Visit our YouTube Channel at We will be steaming on 9/18 and 9/20.
Junior High cheer practice will be the 12th right after school until 5:00 in the elementary gym. Please make sure you have your physical and paper work completed.
Here is the schedule for the Baseball Showcase on Saturday, Sept. 14th at St. Elizabeth:
9:00 - St. E vs Cairo
11:00 - Cairo vs Vienna
1:00 - Vienna vs La Plata
3:00 - St. E vs La Plata
We are excited to partner with NEMO PRESSBOX to announce some of our games. Visit their website for more information!
They will broadcast the game with South Shelby Monday.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549