HAPPY 36th Day of School!!
WE HAVE SCHOOL ON MONDAY (10/23). MacTech and KATC are in session on Monday. Thursday (10/26) is parent/Teacher conferences-school is dismissed at 12:35. No School on Friday (10/27) for LP, MacTech, or KATC.
Pink Out Shirts--order by 10/29, give money or check to Mrs. Hulett or the office: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeztszeVNmFqWcEQ-kG2yxwTXYcj6V5FBlfLkeuVaxxhyksGA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
JH Basketball Extra Quarters:
BMC (10/20)- 2 quarter Girls and Boys starting at 5pm
Meadville (10/24) - 2 quarter boys starting at 5:30 pm
Marion County (11/3)- 2 quarter Girls starting at 5:30pm
Brashear (11/13)- 2 quarter Girls and Boys starting at 5 pm
Atlanta (11/14)- 4 quarter Boys starting at 5pm
Good Luck to Presley Miranda on her Cross Country Meet today in Bowling Green.
JH Basketball will play at New Cambria today. Extra quarters start at 5pm. Good Luck, Bulldogs!
Softball will play on Saturday at 2pm at the La Plata Sports Complex. For Saturday's Softball Game, all spectators must purchase tickets online at https://www.mshsaa.org/Tickets.aspx. Click on Fall Softball, Class 1, then Quarterfinal 3 La Plata vs Braymer. The game will be at 2pm at the La Plata Sports Complex. La Plata will be in the home dugout on 1st base. Come out to cheer us on!
Grades are due by October 23rd at 4pm, grades are available on TeacherEase for parents/guardians to view.
Regional FCCLA Meeting- Tuesday Oct. 24 @ Truman University. Bus will leave at 8:15 and return around 2. Must wear club t-shirt with khaki or black pants.
Pink out shirts are on sale- order online off of the school website/facebook page or ask Mrs. Hulett for an order form.
Art Club Fall Party Wednesday, Oct. 25 3:45-5:15 p.m.
StuCo Halloween Costume Contest on Oct 31st. Judging during lunch on Halloween and small prizes will be awarded!
RULES: NO masks, full face paint, weapons, and must be dress code friendly! IF you are unsure, ASK AHEAD OF TIME for approval.
Reminder there should be no bags in the hallways outside of the lockers. Please keep big bags in the office or in your locker.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549