November 20th, 2024
Happy 52nd Day of School!
Important Announcements:
If parents drop off lunches for students in the office, students may only eat their lunch during scheduled lunch time.
If a student wants a school lunch, he/she MUST order it before 1st hour.
On November 26 we will be doing a program called, Every 15 Minutes. Every 15 Minutes is a program designed to show people what it is like when someone dies in a drug or alcohol related accident. Every 15 minutes a student will be pulled out of class and will stay in the library until the assembly at 3. Permission slips are required to participate in the simulation. More information will be available on Wednesday.
Wednesday 11/20
Mentor Meeting at TSU
3:00 During PLT, Haygan/Hailey will be around to each PLT class to explain the "Every 15 Minute" Simulation to students and to give out permission slips.
Thursday 11/21
HS Girls Basketball Player/Parent Meeting at 8pm in the gym
Friday 11/22
Substitute Celebration Day
Hat Day for FCCLA
Birthday Treats at Lunch
Teachers Matter Career Event at TSU
Saturday 11/23–Chillicothe Christmas Parade
Monday 11/25-SCHOOL IN SESSION-The Great Turkey Hunt
Tuesday 11/26- FCCLA Star Event- Every 15 Minutes Simulation
Wednesday 11/27-11/29 No School
Please see below when and where the Player/Parent meeting is for your students' sport or activity.
HS Boys and Girls, HS Cheer Pictures are 12/2 at 2pm in the HS gym.
HS Girls Basketball-Parent/Athlete meeting
11/21 @8:00 pm in the Gym
HS Cheer: TBA-Parent/Athlete meeting
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549