HAPPY 48th Day of School!!
Mrs. Hardwick's 8th hour PLT will need to pick a different PLT for today.
Reminder for ASSEMBLY CONDUCT: All students are expected to pass to the gymnasium quietly and orderly, take their seats, and speak in low conversational tones until the program begins. General guides for behavior at assemblies:
1. Give the speaker your utmost cooperation and attention. Phones should be put away and on silent or turned off. The cell phone policy is in effect in an assembly setting. No Phones are allowed out.
2. Treat performers as guests.
3. Applaud only when applause is in order.
4. At the close of the program, wait for the signal to leave, then proceed back to the proper classroom, quietly and orderly.
5. The rule restricting public display of affection applies during assemblies. You are expected to sit with your hands, feet, body to yourself.
6. Any student acting in a rude disrespectful manner will be escorted out of the assembly and will not be allowed to attend any assemblies for the remainder of the school year.
7. Hat/hoods are not allowed to be worn.
Honor Flight Collection: Honor Flights are conducted by non-profit organizations dedicated to transporting as many United States military veterans as possible to see the memorials of the respective war they fought in Washington, D.C., at no cost to the veterans. There will be a competition between the Elementary and High School to see who earns the most. Bring in any loose change or $ to the office TODAY! We will collect money at the assembly to raise money to send selected Veterans on an Honor Flight. Please remember to wear red, white, and blue to celebrate this day for our Veterans.
Reminder, school is in session on Monday, November 20th. No School Wednesday-Friday (11/22, 11/23, 11/24).
We will be giving the ASVAB next week to juniors at 8am (and a few seniors). This is a career aptitude assessment and also can be used for military entrance, should you be interested. Career Center students will NOT attend this day and the centers have been made aware. Please let Mrs. Lock or Mrs. Belt know if you have any questions or concerns.
Winter pictures for JH, HS Basketball and Cheerleading will be on November 20th at 4pm in the HS gym. A packet will be sent home soon and here is the link to order pictures: http://keithly-studios.hhimagehost.com/Sports2023to2024
JH Basketball Games
Brashear (11/13)- 2 quarter Girls and Boys starting at 5 pm
Atlanta (11/14)- 4 quarter Boys starting at 5pm
Reminder there should be no bags in the hallways outside of the lockers. Please keep big bags in the office or in your locker.
Mark this addition to your calendar!
Girls HS Basketball vs Harrisburg. Home game 1/10 girls only! We will start JV @ 6pm 2 quarters and V to follow
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549