HAPPY 143rd Day of School!!
We will have Macon County Electric come and do a presentation. Please remember assembly rules:
ASSEMBLY CONDUCT: All students are expected to pass to the gymnasium quietly and orderly, take their seats, and speak in low conversational tones until the program begins. General guides for behavior at assemblies:
1. Give the speaker your utmost cooperation and attention. Phones should be put away and on silent or turned off. The cell phone policy is in effect in an assembly setting.
2. Treat performers as guests.
3. Applaud only when applause is in order.
4. At the close of the program, wait for the signal to leave, then proceed back to the
proper classroom, quietly and orderly.
5. The rule restricting public display of affection applies during assemblies.
6. Any student acting in a rude disrespectful manner will be escorted out of the assembly
and will not be allowed to attend any assemblies for the remainder of the school year.
Chromebook device and chargers need to be turned in ASAP. If you did not turn in a device, you will need to pay for a replacement. These fees need to be turned in by Monday, May 20th.
Reminder---School is in session on May 20th!
KATC will attend KATC on Monday and Tuesday.
Last day of school plans:
**Homeroom teachers will need to come up with an activity or a plan when your group is NOT cleaning lockers.
8:00 all students report to 1st hour for lunch count/attendance
8:15-9:15 All school awards ceremony in gym
9:15-10:00 All students to homerooms (7th-9th Grade–clean lockers/gym lockers, 10-11 graders do an activity)
10:00 All students load bus to sports complex we will dismiss groups
3:00 All students return to HS
3-3:35 All students report to Homeroom (7-9graders do activity, 10-11 graders clean lockers/gym lockers)
Rain Plan– 10-12–activity with your homeroom, 12-3 Movie in the gym.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549