HAPPY 141st Day of School!!
The Board of Education Meeting will be on Thursday, May 16th at 7pm
Girls Basketball Meetings:
Junior High Basketball Girls will meet on Wednesday May 15th at 3pm in the commons.
High School Basketball Girls on Thursday May 16th at 3pm in the commons.
Attention: Track and Golf have done amazing things and we want to show our Bulldog Pride. Meet in the HS Gym at 8:15 on Thursday 5/16/24 to be loud and proud. Also, the bus for State Track is departing from the south side of the HS at 4pm-feel free to join as we send them off. This is sponsored by Track and Golf Parents, contact them if you have any specific questions!
Congrats to all of our sectional athletes! We will see you all next week at State Track!
Kendrick Hulett: 110 hurdles-3rd moving on to state, 300 hurdles-2nd moving on to state, Pole Vault-6th
Tate Lock: 300 hurdles-4th moving on to state
Girls 4x100: Izzy Joyce, Piper Halstead, Emmagin Travis, Macy Davidson-1st moving in to state
Macy Davidson: 100m dash-2nd moving on to state, 300m hurdles-1st moving on to state, long jump-4th moving on to state
Izzy Joyce: 100 hurdles-2nd moving on to state
Emmagin Travis: 200m dash-5th, long jump-6th
Presley Miranda: 800m run-4th moving on to state
Students need to check their flex time manager before each PLT. There will be no switching in/out of PLT without teacher permission. Teachers will take attendance at the beginning of each PLT. If students are not in the right PLT, please send them to the office. Students that habitually go to the wrong PLT, will receive PLT detention in the office for 4 days.
Chromebook device and chargers need to be turned in ASAP. If you did not turn in a device, you will need to pay for a replacement. These fees need to be turned in by Monday, May 20th.
On Wednesday, we will have our Annual Adulting Day. Each grade level will do something in the afternoon to 'prepare for adulthood'.
At 1pm, (we will end at 3:35)
All 7th graders will meet in Ms. Hardwicks class and be split up for visit the nursing home.
All 8th graders will meet in the Ms. Davidson’s class to be split up for stations.
All 10th graders will meet in the commons and wait for Mrs. Lock’s instructions to start the REALL Simulator.
All 11th graders will meet in Mr. Jones’ class.
Reminder---School is in session on May 20th!
Complete Family Medicine will offer FREE Sports Physicals to any student interested on Thursday, May 16th from 1-4 in the LHS Gym. Students need physicals in order to participate in MSHSAA Activities (Baseball, Basketball, Softball, Cheerleading, Scholar bowl, Band, Golf, Cross Cross Country, etc). If you think your student may be interested in participating next year (Grades 6-12), PLEASE bring a signed form back to be completed by a doctors during physicals. Call the office if you have any questions! Click here for the official physical form. Physicals are valid for 2 years. Parents do not have to be present but must send the form in with appropriate signatures and information.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549