HAPPY 106th Day of School!!
See picture below: During PayDay on March 14th, students will get a chance to PIE teachers in the face to celebrate Pi Day! Bring your loose change into the office, and place change in the bucket of the teacher you wish to PIE. The teacher will donate the money to an organization of their choice. Students will be selected at random to pie the teacher(s) with the most money! Anyone can be eligible to pie a teacher as long as they are in attendance on Thursday!
Please see flyer below inviting all middle school and high school students interested in learning more about a career in education. Teachers Matter/Become One is on Friday, April 19, 2024. The event will be held at Truman State University. Please see Mrs. Belt if you are interested in attending.
KATC-is not in session March 11-15 due to spring break. They will need to report to LHS by 11:12.
MacTech is in session Monday-Friday this week.
PayDay Sign ups are complete. You will get your rooms assignments on Thursday morning.
We will schedule March 14th as Q3 PayDay. Teachers: let me know if you have any conflicts. Be thinking of activities you would like to do and suggest activities to teachers. Reminder: Eligibility requirements are below...
Reminder these are the eligibility guidelines:
All Classroom Grades above Ds/Fs
Attendance 90% and above for the quarter
No discipline beyond one office referral for this quarter!
No more than 3 tardies for the quarter.
No more than 1 day of ISS/OSS
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549