March 12th-13th, 2025
Happy 103rd Day of School!
Important Announcements:
We will make-up our missed day of March 5th on March 31st.
The following is a reminder of upcoming make-up days:
March 24th
March 31st
April 28th
May 5th
May 12th
The baseball team store is now open! We get a portion of the sales back so please support your bulldogs! Feel free to share it as much as you can!
*Pure Freedom is offered to students in grades 5-12. Click on the attachment for more information. All students (Grades 5-12) need to have this form returned indicating participation preference by Friday. Students were given a copy last week. Please email or call Ms. Taylor for questions (660-332-7001 or
The program is a relationship education and sexual abuse prevention program taught by certified educators. It is designed with age-appropriate content for each grade 5th to 12th. This program was created to develop students' skills in making healthy life choices. The program meets all Missouri & Iowa requirements for sexual health and abuse prevention education. We recognize the importance of including parents, and we encourage students to discuss with them what they are learning.
Quarter 3 ends on March 20th
Attention JH and HS: If you are interested in participating in JH/HS track, please stop by and see Ms. Davidson for information!
If you are interested in boys golf, please contact Mrs. Robinson.
If you are interested in boys baseball, contact Mr. Fields.
**Seniors- be checking the scholarship list. New scholarships have been added!
*KATC has no school the week of 3/10-3/14 for Spring Break. Students need to report to the office by 11:15 for attendance.
Thursday 3/13
Friday 3/14
FFA: Paris Aggie Days
Saturday 3/15
FFA Luck of the Irish(doors open at 5:30, dinner at 6pm)
Monday 3/17
School is in Session
Student Opportunities:
Attention JH and HS: If you are interested in participating in JH/HS track, please stop by and see Ms. Davidson for information!
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549