HAPPY 71st Day of School!!
We may utilize AMI (Alternative Method of Instruction) during snow days. Students are required to get on Google Meets for the time listed below for attendance, instruction and guidance for the day. All teachers will post their assignments for the day on Google Classroom. Students are expected to reach out to teachers for questions via email. If a student is unable to complete these assignments, the work will need to be completed upon return to school. All students will be able to take Chromebooks home and can check out a hotspot if needed for internet connectivity--PLEASE come by the office today if you need a Chromebook/hotspot. Students and parents can communicate with teachers for alternative assignments if needed.
Google Meets Schedule
1st hour: 10:00
2nd Hour: 10:20
3rd Hour: 10:40
4th Hour: 11:00
5th Hour: 11:20
6th Hour: 11:40
7th Hour: 12:00
Junior High Academic Bowl will be meeting after school on Tuesday (1/9) for an informational meeting.
FCCLA Winter formal will be held at LaPlata Silver Rails on Saturday, January 13th from 8-10 p.m. It is $5 for individuals and $8 for couples. If you are bringing an outside guest, your slip from December is adequate. Any NEW guests will need a slip turned in by tomorrow or email Mrs. Smoot.
Mark this addition to your calendar!
Girls HS Basketball vs Harrisburg. Home game 1/10 girls only! We will start JV @ 6pm 2 quarters and V to follow.
For HS Basketball, please note the following changes for JV Quarters.
1/9 – 4 quarter boys 5pm @ Atlanta
1/10 2 quarter girls 6pm @ Home
1/26 – 4 quarters boys 6pm @ Cairo
2/9 – 2 quarter girls and 2 quarter boys @ Home 4:45pm
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549