HAPPY 81st Day of School!!
There will be an L-Club meeting Tuesday during 8th hour PLT.
Google Classroom has the links for MO Boys State and Girls State to apply. Boys State funds are more available for everyone to apply and have a paid spot. Girls State you might have to help find a sponsor (with my help). If you want to go, please apply soon! See me with questions!
Missouri Boys State Application: http://mbs.fyi/apply
ALA Missouri Girls State Application: http://mbs.fyi/social-apply
Students will need to sign up for the Winter Formal and Homecoming using the new link provided here or on Mrs. Lock's Google Classroom (or email) ASAP. If you are bringing a guest, please pick up a form from the office. If you have already turned one in, you do not need to turn another one in. The forms are due FRIDAY!
Schedule Changes:
The basketball game scheduled for 1/12/24 vs Meadville will be played on 2/7/24 at 6pm at LHS.
The basketball game scheduled for 1/10/24 vs Harrisburg at home (girls only) will be announced soon.
The winter dance scheduled for Saturday (1/13/24) has been rescheduled for Friday (2/16/24) at the Silver Rails.
2/9 – 2 quarter girls and 2 quarter boys @ Home 4:45pm
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549