January 16th, 2025
Happy 77th Day of School!
Important Announcements:
Homecoming Shirts are available to purchase, they are due tomorrow! See flyer in the office and below!
The Pink Out activities between games is rescheduled to January 28th at home vs Novinger to accommodate our honored guest. Go Bulldogs!
Please fill out the form that was emailed to you (or on google classroom) to sign up for Homecoming 2025. Contact Mrs. Smoot or Coach Woodward if you have any questions. SIGN UP BY January 17th at 3:35pm, if you are bringing a guest, get a form from the office.
Guest forms are due 1/28/25. Dance will follow the game at the Elementary Gym. $5 per Person!
Be sure to complete all AMI work for Friday, 1/10. It is due by Wednesday at 3:35pm.
Thursday 1/16
6pm Home game vs Cairo BOYS JV and V
Friday 1/17
6pm Basketball at Meadville
***Deadline to sign up for Homecoming 2025**
Saturday 1/18
FFA New Teacher Induction Program
FFA Public Speaking Institute
Sunday 1/19
Monday 1/20
Tuesday 1/21
North Shelby Tournament
Wednesday 1/22
FFA Area III State Degree Selection
Thursday 1/23
North Shelby Tournament
Friday 1/24
North Shelby Tournament
Saturday 1/25
North Shelby Tournament
Student Opportunities:
NEMO Area Health Education Center is thrilled to announce a new program: Mystery Diagnosis & Dissection Day!
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: Kirksville Area Technical Center
Target Audience: 9th-12th Grade Students interested in Healthcare or Science
This unique event will be led by ATSU anatomy fellows and provide students with an immersive learning experience.
Key Activities:
This is an exceptional opportunity for students to:
To register for this event, students must fill out the Google Form: Mystery Diagnosis and Dissection Registration Form or scan the QR code on the provided flyer.
Students must pay a $5 registration fee via cash or check made payable to NEMO AHEC. Students can pay early or at the door.
Space is limited, so early registration is strongly encouraged!
Please share this exciting opportunity with your students. We look forward to a successful and engaging Mystery Diagnosis & Dissection Day!
Changes in schedule for HS Basketball and Cheer:
🏀 HS Basketball Game at Linn scheduled for 1/10/25 was cancelled due road conditions. Rescheduled date: Feb 12th
Cairo Basketball Game 12/16 moved to 1/16.
Added 2 boys JV quarters to the game against Novinger on 1/28 at home. This is also Pink Out.
Senior Night for HS Basketball and Cheer is 2/18/25 vs Mendon.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549