HAPPY 83rd Day of School!!
Congratulations to Katelynn Moore for earning top honors in the state-wide SkillsUSA Brand Design contest. Katelynn earned 1st place. Katelynn’s design will be featured on all publicity for this year’s state conference. Every student and advisor from around the state will get a t-shirt and lapel pin featuring her winning design (approximately 3,000 people). And, Katelynn’s pin will go to Nationals where it will get traded with people from all over the United States (approximately 16,000 people).
We are incredibly proud of Katlynn. Way to go!
Students please check your email about Dance Sign ups. Please make sure your name is on the list if you plan to attend either the Homecoming or Winter Formal Dances. If you are not on the list and wish to attend the dance, please email Mrs. Smoot. Students will not be allowed to attend the dance IF you are not on the list. All guest MUST have a form on file with ALL signatures.
L-CLUB will meet in the gym on Tuesday during 8th hour PLT. Please sign up in Flex.
Thank you for your patience as we have worked through the scheduling of makeup days. Please refer to the following for a list of our makeup days:
Regular School Days:
- March 11th
- April 8th
- April 29th
- May 13th
See HOCO Dress Up Days below! Tuesday-Party in the USA, Wednesday-Neon Lights, Thursday-Adam Sandler Day, Friday-Surfers vs Bikers. Dress code still applies and NO HATS!
Please make sure you are ordering a lunch first hour if you plan to eat a hot lunch. This is necessary for cooks to prepare enough food.
Schedule Changes:
The basketball game @ Novinger has been rescheduled for 2/12 starting at 6pm
The basketball game scheduled for 1/12/24 vs Meadville will be played on 2/7/24 at 6pm at LHS.
The basketball game scheduled for 1/10/24 vs Harrisburg at home (girls only) will be announced soon.
The winter dance scheduled for Saturday (1/13/24) has been rescheduled for Friday (2/16/24) at the Silver Rails.
2/9 – 2 quarter girls and 2 quarter boys @ Home 4:45pm
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549