HAPPY 95th Day of School!!
If you want to ride the Pep Bus tonight. Sign up in the office. Bring $6 for admission to the game. It will be boarding at 4:45 at the north side.
Boys golf practice Monday, 2/26/24 at 4:30 at the Golf Course.
Sign up and schedules for Drama Club are on Mr. Pippin's classroom door. We are still needing cast and crew. We are in need of 7-10 graders and guys.
11th graders will walk to Game Day at 12:08 on Friday (2/23/24) with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Curtis for the poster contest prize. Eat lunch at school if you would like and have pizza as a snack.
Please see flyer below inviting all middle school and high school students interested in learning more about a career in education. Teachers Matter/Become One is on Friday, April 19, 2024. The event will be held at Truman State University. Please see Mrs. Belt if you are interested in attending.
2024 Health Care Career Day
Friday, February 23
The Missouri Chamber Foundation, the Missouri Hospital Association and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, are offering a Virtual Health Care Career Day. There are a variety of resources available to students during these sessions. Please see Mrs. Belt if you interested.
We will schedule March 14th as Q3 PayDay. Teachers: let me know if you have any conflicts. Be thinking of activities you would like to do and suggest activities to teachers. Reminder: Eligibility requirements are below...
Reminder these are the eligibility guidelines:
All Classroom Grades above Ds/Fs
Attendance 90% and above for the quarter
No discipline beyond one office referral for this quarter!
No more than 3 tardies for the quarter.
No more than 1 day of ISS/OSS
Calling All Creative Juniors!
We need help designing our 2024 After-Prom Party T-Shirt!
Hey there, talented juniors! The After-Prom Committee is excited to announce our T-Shirt Design Contest for this year's epic After-Prom Party, and we want YOU to be the creative force behind our exclusive event attire.
The winning design earns you a cool $50 cash prize!
Plus, you'll be recognized for your artistic talent during the After-Prom festivities.
We can't wait to see your designs!
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549