HAPPY 89th Day of School!!
Sign up and schedules for Drama Club are on Mr. Pippin's classroom door. We are still needing cast and crew. We are in need of 7-10 graders and guys.
11th graders will walk to Game Day at 12:08 on Friday with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Curtis for the poster contest prize. Eat lunch at school if you would like and have pizza as a snack.
Calling All Creative Juniors!
We need help designing our 2024 After-Prom Party T-Shirt!
Hey there, talented juniors! The After-Prom Committee is excited to announce our T-Shirt Design Contest for this year's epic After-Prom Party, and we want YOU to be the creative force behind our exclusive event attire.
The winning design earns you a cool $50 cash prize!
Plus, you'll be recognized for your artistic talent during the After-Prom festivities.
We can't wait to see your designs!
THIS week is FCCLA week....
Wednesday- Career Day - Dress up as the career you dream of doing!
FCCLA members going to Nursing Home @2:30
Thursday-Community Day - FireFighter vs Police Officer
(wear red) (wear blue)
Friday-Be a LEADER! Wear Red or FCCLA T-Shirt
FCCLA hosting Winter Dance @ Silver Rails 8-10 p.m.
School dress code is still enforced.
If you wear a hat with dress up, must pay a $1 and get a sticker from Mrs. Hulett.
KTAC and MacTech Students:
Schedule Changes:
The winter dance scheduled for Saturday (1/13/24) has been rescheduled for Friday (2/16/24) at the Silver Rails.
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549