December 6th, 2024
Countdown to Holiday Break!
Happy 62nd Day of School!
Yes, this is the correct number of days we have been in session this year, I was off a couple days-time sure does fly when you're having fun!
Important Announcements:
Please be sure to order lunch if you are wanting a lunch during 1st hour. If you come in late, please let Laura know when checking in if you need a lunch. This is to ensure enough food is made for everyone that orders.
Sign up for the Winter Formal by TODAY at 3pm, the link was emailed to you or it is on Google Classroom. If you are bringing a guest, please get a form and appropriate signatures by Wed, Dec 11th.
5th-12th Grade Band Concert on December 11th @ 7pm. See info below:
The concert begins at 7pm in the high school gym, but students should meet in the band room at 6:30 to get ready. Please have students wear something nice. The concert will probably be less than an hour and after the last group they are free to go.
Elementary band students will bring their instruments over to the high school that day and leave them in the band room so everyone has theirs ready to go. We will return them to the elementary the next day or you can take them home that evening.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me (!
Beta Club Members please accept the google classroom invite in order to stay up-to-date on club activities!
Teachers, please sign up for your PayDay Activity ASAP!
On December 20th, we will have PayDay/Annual Bulldog Olympics. KATC, please let the office know if you want to stay at LHS or attend KATC that morning. We will also have a talent show, see flyers in the hallways and Ms. Taylor if you have any questions. Here is the snapshot for the day on December 20th:
8:00-8:15 1st hour, take attendance/lunch count
8:15-10:15 PayDay Rooms
10:15-11:17 Awards for 1st semester/Talent Show by StuCo/Ms. Taylor
11:17-12:27 5th hour and Lunch (SEL information)
12:27 All students report to the gym
12:30-2:00 Bulldog Olympics
2:00-3:30 Movie (see voting on Google Classroom)
3:30-3:35 Clean Up and Dismissal
Reminder for Dance Eligibility:
ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION IN EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: In order for a student to be eligible to participate in contests in an extra-curricular activity, that student must be in attendance for a full day the day of the activity. Students absent during the day are not eligible to attend extra-curricular activities that night (ball games, dances, etc.). A student may not participate in any practice when he or she has been absent from school that particular afternoon (5th-8th hour) unless excused by the principal. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the principal.
To remain eligible for any MSHAA sponsored activity, all students must be currently enrolled in (3) units of credit or 80% of the maximum allowable credits, whichever is greater. The student/athlete must also have earned, the preceding semester of attendance, a minimum of (3) units of credit or 80% of the maximum allowable credits, which may be earned at your school, whichever is greater.
Students must also meet all other MSHSAA-mandated requirements for participation.
SCHOOL DANCE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS for Dances Excluding Prom (in addition to the attendance requirements above):
PROM ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (this includes Grand March):
● Students must sign up to attend prom while the sign up sheet is in the office. If after the deadline, students must speak with the principal and sponsors. Guests who are not a member of our school must be approved.
● Students with 2 or more F's in Semester 1 will not be able to attend.
● Students must have 90 % cumulative attendance or higher— If attendance is lower than a 90%
the student must provide a written letter or go before administration and explain why they should
be able to attend
● Students may not have more than 9 tardies in any quarter prior to prom for the school year.
● Students with 3 or more office referrals or 3 or more days of ISS or OSS for the current school
year may not attend.
● To attend prom, all juniors must work the required concession stand shifts.
● Guests must be at least a 9th grader to attend prom or at the discretion of LHS administrators.
Guests 21 or older will be at the discretion of LHS administrators.
Friday 12/6
Novinger BB Tourney (Boys leave at 3:55)
Celebrate Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day!
Saturday 12/6
Novinger BB Tourney
Monday 12/9-Snow Make up day (if needed), 6pm Board Mtg
Tuesday 12/10
6pm Basketball Home vs Bevier
6pm FAFSA Workshop
Wednesday 12/11
7pm (Grades 5-12) Band Concert
Thursday 12/12
6pm Basketball at BMC (G leave at 4:15, B leave at 5:15)
Friday 12/13
8pm-10pm Winter Formal-$5 per person at the Elementary Gym. Must sign up, guests must have guest slip filled out, No drinks allowed, water will be available.
Saturday-Sunday 12/14-12/15
Monday 12/16-PD Day, Holiday Hoops at Trenton-B/G at 5pm-bus leaves at 2:20, no school for students
Tuesday 12/17
6pm FFA Holiday Party
6:30 Elementary Concert in HS Gym
Wednesday 12/18
FFA Holiday Lunch provided for HS students and staff
6pm BB home vs Marion Co
Thursday 12/19
6pm BB at Marceline (G leave at 4, boys leave at 5)
Friday 12/20
Pay Day/Bulldog Olympics
Birthday Treats at lunch
Quarter 2 ends
FCCLA Hat Day $1
6:30 Fall Activities Banquet EL Gym (Girls golf, softball, baseball, cross country, JH Basketball, JH Cheer)
Please see below when and where the Player/Parent meeting is for your students' sport or activity.
HS Cheer: TBA-Parent/Athlete meeting
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549