HAPPY 68th Day of School!!
12-20-23 Students will report to first hour for attendance and lunch count then will be dismissed for bulldog olympics in the gym. During bulldog olympics the concession stand will be open for snacks. Bring cash if you would like buy snacks.
Schedule changes happening now through the first week of Sem 2! See Mrs. Lock for changes.
FCCLA Winter formal will be held at LaPlata Silver Rails on Saturday, January 13th from 8-10 p.m.
MacTech and KATC students will not attend on Dec 20th (Half Day).
Mark this addition to your calendar!
Girls HS Basketball vs Harrisburg. Home game 1/10 girls only! We will start JV @ 6pm 2 quarters and V to follow.
For HS Basketball, please note the following changes for JV Quarters.
12/18 – 4 quarters boys 5pm @ Marion Co.
1/9 – 4 quarter boys 5pm @ Atlanta
1/10 2 quarter girls 6pm @ Home
1/26 – 4 quarters boys 6pm @ Cairo
2/9 – 2 quarter girls and 2 quarter boys @ Home 4:45pm
Thank you to Ms.Safley and Mrs.Groseclose's classes for judging the door decorating competition that was held between homeroom classes. Here are the winners!
1st Place goes to Mrs.Smiths homeroom for Polar Express.
2nd goes to Mr.Pearsons homeroom with Buff Grinch
3rd goes to Mr.Jones' homeroom with the snowman.
The doors were great!
WINTER BREAK (12/20/23)
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549