HAPPY 66th Day of School!!
FCCLA Winter formal will be held at LaPlata Silver Rails on Saturday, January 13th from 8-10 p.m.
MacTech and KATC students will not attend on Dec 20th (Half Day).
Mark this addition to your calendar!
Girls HS Basketball vs Harrisburg. Home game 1/10 girls only! We will start JV @ 6pm 2 quarters and V to follow.
For HS Basketball, please note the following changes for JV Quarters.
12/18 – 4 quarters boys 5pm @ Marion Co.
1/9 – 4 quarter boys 5pm @ Atlanta
1/10 2 quarter girls 6pm @ Home
1/26 – 4 quarters boys 6pm @ Cairo
2/9 – 2 quarter girls and 2 quarter boys @ Home 4:45pm
Congratulations to the Band/Choir Members for an outstanding performance last Thursday. It was GREAT!
WINTER BREAK (12/20/23)
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549