HAPPY 131st Day of School!!
La Plata, MacTech, and KATC will be in session on Monday, April 29th!
Teachers: if you plan to give awards to Seniors on Decision Day (5/3), please use the link on HS Happenings page to sign up.
We will have an assembly on Tuesday at 2:30. Cara Filler was supposed to present last spring but had to cancel due to illness. We are excited she was able to fit us in her spring schedule this year. See flyer below. PARENTS: If you would like your child to participate in an alternate activity, call the office.
Save the Date for the Thursday, May 2nd, 2024. Art show from 5-7 in the Art room/hallway and the Band/Choir Concert 7pm in the GYM. The concert is for Band Grades 5-12.
The Mclorn House will be available for prom pictures at 4:30 on Saturday
On April 26, 2024 at 2 pm we will have 2 guest speakers for 10th-12th grades from ThinkFirst, Russ Burris and Callie Bailey. ThinkFirst is a national injury prevention program that provides evidence-based programming with the goal of preventing traumatic injuries through education, research and policy. The award-winning programs of ThinkFirst educate people of all ages, especially high-risk young people, about their vulnerability to brain and spinal cord injury, common causes of these injuries, and how to prevent them. ThinkFirst has been providing presentations across Missouri for almost 40 years.
Nurse Carol sent home letters with the state requirements for incoming 8th graders and 12th graders for the school year of 2024/2025.. The Macon Health Dept will be having an immunization clinic here at our school on May 15th, 2024. If you wish for your student to participate in the vaccine clinic please return the consent form that was mailed to you to the school ASAP.
Please refer to the following for a list of our makeup days:
Regular School Days:
- April 29th
- May 13th
La Plata R-ll School District
High School:
201 W. Moore St.
La Plata, MO 63549